Normal weather condition:
A small portion of the cage is out of water. Fish gets atmospherig air.
Self-cleaning of nets by sun and air:
At low stocking density and calm weather, the cage shows half out of water.
The net dries in sun and air. Nets never have to be changed.
Stormy conditions:
Cage is permanently below water trough – fish lives stress-free in their natural environment.
Feeding: The patented automatic feeder press dry pellets into a water stream, which arrives within seconds in the cage-sections at any depth of the cage.
Oxygenation: Diffuse-pipes, fixed on 4 lowest longitude-pipes, bring air or liquid oxygen in each section and atmospherig air into "air-bells".
Harvesting and grading of fish: The section-nets, stored at the axial pipe is pulled from outsite by an endless rope and fixed to a longitude pipe. Slight rotations of the cage push fish to the fish pump.